Eudora Kemp was a Poplars nobody – until that final, tragic afternoon when she seared her name on School history. She was plain, stolid, undistinguished academically or artistically, and lacking in the type of family connections that might make up such a shortfall in charisma. Additionally, she was cursed by frequent waves of pimples that […]
Author: Martha

MISSING: Rhoda, 1899
Rhoda Evanston is the first Poplars girl to be officially recorded as Missing — she vanished during the grand Fin De Siècle ball held at the School on December 31st, 1899. Like Eudora and Thea, her disappearance was reported with much excitement by the press. Foolish, flighty Rhoda, so the official story goes, was engaged […]

MISSING: Nellie, 1888
Note: ‘Nellie’ Forbs may not be one of the Missing in the strictest sense. It is not clear, either from Edith’s letters or additional documents, whether “beloved Nellie” refers to the baby girl Cornelia, Edith’s toddler half-sister (b. 1886), or her full sister, Helena (b. 1878). The records regarding both girls are sketchy (birth certificates […]

MISSING: Effie, 1876
After the last soldier abandoned the hospital after the war The Poplars settled in on itself, a splintered staircase here, a broken floorboard there, a hanging patch of plaster overhead. Mice came, and birds, insects, all the small creatures that like to nest, nibble and scratch: they took the house apart morsel by morsel, spattering […]

MISSING: Clarissa, 1864
Although she would never, of course, confess it aloud, Clara was not looking forward to the end of the war. She could not imagine returning to her old, ornamental existence. Sometimes, as she spent her days tending to the weakened and dying, bandaging bloody stumps and carrying buckets of the foulest slop imaginable, she flashed […]